Flip to the End

I admit I will often skip and read the last page of a book.Last pages of a bookWhen tension mounts and I can’t see a way for the hero or heroine to avoid impending disaster, when all hope seems lost, and happily-ever-after isn’t a viable possibility, I flip to the last page.The heroine’s throat burns from her unheeded cries for help. She claws her fingernails into the dirt ledge praying her strength will hold... I flip to the last page.The hero turns on the ten o’clock news. His water glass slips from his fingers and shatters on the cold tile. His knees weaken. He grasps the back of his designer imported couch as everything he’s worked so hard to build crumbles… flip to the last page.Star-crossed lovers who, in seemingly endless joy, rode the wave of love, but discover the tide has changed. They no longer can keep their heads above the rising ocean waves of heartbreak that threaten to pull them under... I flip to the last page.I need the relief of knowing there will be a happily-ever-after, that the hero or heroine will prevail before I can keep reading further. Once I’m assured that the hero/heroine pulls through, then I find the inner emotional strength to go back where I left off and continue reading. Some of you probably think this is cheating and maybe it is, but don’t you ever wish you could do this in your own life?Your bills exceeded your monthly savings. You still have to pay rent and have no idea where you’re going to come up with the money… I flip to the last page.Your receptionist tells you the school principal is on the line, and he doesn’t sound pleased … flip to the last page.Your husband calls and tells you to meet him at the hospital… flip to the last page.When the weight of the world seems much too heavy to bear, and you’ve cried until all the tears have run dry, you can flip to the last page. God has told us the end of the story. The book of Revelation reminds us that the devil gets brought down, and Jesus ushers in his new kingdom free from all sin. It helps me to keep on fighting knowing that God wins in the end. No more death, no more tears, no more pain or heartache. We must keep our eyes on Jesus and remember one day this world will pass away, and we will live with him in heaven happily-ever-after. The End.Anyone else flip to the end?


Damsels in Distress


Could God be forgotten?