Damsels in Distress
The Disney princesses I grew up loving (Aurora, Cinderella, and Snow White) have been replaced with feisty, independent heroines who can wield a sword and take on the villain themselves. For example, Disney’s Moana who fights to save her people, Merida from Brave who launches her bow and arrow to prove she can outdo any man, and don’t forget, Elsa from Frozen who can take care of herself. It seems the passive princess has become cliché.Par
t of me stands up and shouts, “Hurrah! Girl power!” but another part sits back confused and a little concerned. Don’t get me wrong. I think it’s amazing that girls now have empowered role models, but maybe the pendulum has swung too far in the opposite direction. What is wrong with wanting to be treasured by a knight in shining armor? Why do little girls’ heroines have to be strong-willed, outgoing, and sassy? Are these character traits overshadowing love, wisdom, and grace?I’ve learned, that when life throws hardships my way, attacking the problem on my own doesn’t yield the best results. It’s when I get on my knees and ask God for help, wisdom, or a better understanding of the people he created that I find the strength I need for the situation. I do admit, often, I’m yelling “charge” and waving my sword furiously in the air, as I press headlong into a mess, only to discover I made it worse or was ill equipped. It’s so ridiculous when little 5’3” me turns to the great, big, powerful, all-knowing God beside me and says, “I’ve got this. You just wait here.”The real question is what traits are we magnifying?An independent spirit says, “I’ve got this. I don’t need anyone.”God says, “... I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” Isaiah 41:10A Strong-will says, “I’m going to do it because I want too.”Sassiness says, “I’m smarter and quicker of wit than you.”God says, “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Mark 12:31A Godly heroine is a girl who will stand against evil with a vengeance but relies on God for strength. She views others through God’s grace and knows a little love can go a long way.“Hurrah! You go girl!”