Taking the Backseat

people in a car

“Is it a good idea to switch jobs to get raises and promotions?” my son asked me. It was a great question. I’ve not only witnessed the constant turnover in recent years but also have multiple younger friends who’ve used this as a means to get better pay. But does it work?

I’m biased, having worked for my husband for over 25 years, but I have a unique perspective because I shared an office with the head of HR and got to overhear a lot of the hiring and firing discussions. I didn’t recommend job hopping to my son as a means of getting ahead. Eventually, Job-hopper’s resumes resemble to-do checklists more than an employment history. Seeing someone who’s had four jobs in the past five years can keep them from being considered.

Job-hoppers also run the risk of switching to a company that may not hold or share their values. They have no idea what internal promotions would have been available had they stayed long-term. While legitimate reasons exist for leaving a company (i.e. a toxic work environment), consider future ramifications before jumping ship for a pay increase. (On a personal note, if you decide to leave and you’re a Christian, consider how your exit looks to non-Christians and make sure to end well.)

My son also asked about college graduates' inability to find jobs. I asked him if he thought it was due to a lack of available jobs or if college graduates have high salary and employment expectations. He admitted it seemed more the latter.

Work requires a humble heart condition.

My husband and I have tried to instill in our boys that hard work pays off and that they aren’t owed anything—they must earn it. They work for God, so whatever they do, it should be done as unto the Lord (1 Cor 10:31). One of the ways we attempted to instill this in them was Saturday morning trash clean up at the office property. We paid them to work alongside us as we picked up and bagged trash. It’s not my favorite Saturday morning project. I’d preferred to have been banging away on the keyboard writing, but it was an important lesson, and it demonstrated that even the company owner has to get his hands dirty sometimes.

Upcoming generations have taken a lot of heat for acting entitled, so I won’t hop on that soapbox, but I want to point out some examples from the Bible of people who either started at the bottom or didn’t need the prestige of head honcho or highest salary to purchase Louis Vuitton sandals and a tricked out donkey to gain respect. These men earned their way through hard work, loyalty, and good character, and God promoted them for it.

  • Joseph was sold into slavery by his brothers, but instead of having a pity party, he worked hard and with excellence no matter his situation. Eventually, Joseph became the man in charge after Pharaoh and saved his brothers (the same ones who sold him into slavery) and his entire family from a severe famine.  

  • Nehemiah was the cupbearer for the king. Because of his loyalty and hard work, he was given permission to go and rebuild the wall around his homeland. Not only did the king let him go, but also the king loaded Nehemiah’s caravan with supplies for his passion project.

  • John the Baptist was a hard-working servant of the Lord. He humbly wore sackcloth and ate bugs but preached the coming of another greater than him and baptized Jesus in the Jordan River. Jesus paid high accolades to John, saying, “Truly I tell you, among those born of women there has not risen anyone greater than John the Baptist; yet whoever is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he.” (Matthew 11:11)

  • Timothy was Paul’s young mentee and to whom Paul writes letters of encouragement that now inspire us. He also assisted Paul in evangelizing Asia Minor for Christ.

These heroes might have been second in command but in God’s economy they were number one because they glorified God with their work. They probably didn’t always like their job. I’d bet Joseph didn’t enjoy being a slave. Their worth wasn’t dependent on their salary, position, or employer. Their testimony was based on humbly working for their ultimate boss and their loyal hard work that reaped eternal benefits for generations to come.  


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