Be moved. Be changed. Love because you are loved.

Tag: miracles

deserted island

Just a Few Miracles

deserted island

Try to find a fictional book that isn’t about relationships. Man-verses-nature stories, like Cast Away or The Martian, where the hero fights to survive in isolation, might come to mind. However, in both movies, the struggle was to return to their friends and loved ones and how they handled the absence of personal interaction. In Cast Away, Chuck Nolan (played by Tom Hanks) forms an attachment to a volleyball he calls Wilson because he’s so desperate for connection.

The need for relationships even trumps the need for survival, which is why Chuck sails out on a sketchy raft of his own making even though he’d learned to survive on a deserted island. It’s also why Mark Watney (played by Matt Damon) risks death by puncturing his suit to propel himself toward the rescue spacecraft. God created us to be social beings, and we were made for relationships. Interconnection is part of the great commandment, Love the Lord with all your heart and love your neighbor as yourselves.

My friend, Kristen Carlson, pointed out to me in Mark 6:5 the extent to that Jesus treasured relationships. While Jesus’s healings and miracles wow us, they’re secondary compared to His true purpose. Mark 6:5 states, “And he [Jesus] could do no mighty work there [His hometown, Nazareth], except that he laid his hands on a few sick people and healed them.” Healing sick people wasn’t the mighty work. The mighty work was drawing people to God and having a real relationship with him.  

The word except in the passage is like a shrug, so He just laid hands on a few sick and healed them. It reads as if mere healings were settling for something lesser. Jesus’s aim was on eternity, not on the here and now. It’s easy to focus on the ache and pain that plagues us at the moment and turn a blind eye to the malnourished souls that are perishing. 1 John 3:1 dares us to, “See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God!”

Unlike Chuck Nolan’s wife in Cast Away, whose fiancée remarried, or Mark Watney’s crew teasing him about his stench, God spreads His arms wide, ready to lavish His love on his beloved children and welcome them home.

dad carrying son in his arms

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Dining table

Grateful for Miracles in the Minutiae

I am grateful for indoor plumbing. It might be because I write in an era where people still had to use chamber pots to go to the bathroom. It could be because I’m just weird, but I enjoy warm showers so much, that I tend to praise God for indoor plumbing, usually while I’m in the shower. It gets me thinking about all the things I take for granted, for instance, the human body.

Scientists estimate there are around 37.2 trillion cells in the average person. These Human body systemsindividual microscopic cells have specialized functions and work together to make up our body’s organs, i.e., heart, bones, skin, blood, brain, etc. We don’t have to remind our hearts to keep beating, command our lungs to breathe, or convince our stomachs to digest the cheesecake we ate after lunch (even though I will plead with mine not to send it to my thighs). No, they do it of their own accord.

Here are a few other amazing body facts:

  • Your heart generates enough energy on a daily basis to drive a truck twenty miles.
  • We produce enough saliva in our lifetime to fill two swimming pools.
  • Not only do we have unique fingerprints, but we also have a unique tongue print.
  • The human eye can distinguish between approximately ten million different colors.
  • Our brains can store over a lifetime 1 quadrillion (1 million billion) pieces of information in our long-term

Socrates once said, “Wisdom begins with wonder,” and he didn’t even know what a cell was. Modern technology has given us an in-depth perspective as to how intricately we have been woven together. Yet, as we go about our days, doing laundry, finishing reports for deadlines, carting kids here and there, preparing for guests, and making a Thanksgiving feast, we forget how many tiny individual cells are working so we can accomplish so much.

Dining tableWhile we gather together with friends and family, I hope we can take a moment to be still and look around at the amazing miracles surrounding you. Each friend and loved one is a wonderful masterpiece, a miracle of life that God knitted together.

I am thankful for you.

Thank you for taking the time out of your busy days to bless me by reading my blogs and taking an interest in a budding writer. Thank you for your support, your kind words and your prayers. Know that I’m also praying for you, a good measure of blessings pressed down, shaken together, and running over (Luke 6:38 NIV).

Happy Thanksgiving!

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.  1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

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