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Tag: God’s timing

boys laughing

What to Do When Laughter Hurts.

Boys laughing

Laughing actually hurts. Scientists from the University of Oxford found the contracting of the core muscles causes us pain, but our body compensates by sending out endorphins to mask the ache. It’s why when we belly-laugh too hard for too long, we’ve heard people exclaim, “Stop it hurts.” That’s because the endorphins have run out.

For my husband, the endorphins ran out after investing in a business to help some friends. He was excited about the company’s potential and had great ideas, but when he looked under the hood, issues became apparent, ranging from owner mismanagement to employee theft. No matter what he did, it seemed there was always another hurdle to jump. It came down to losing the entire investment or risking more capital to purchase the company and hope God would bless our efforts. We wondered if we’d heard God wrong. We questioned whether we’d had the right timing. Those were some dark and uncertain days. 

It’s when you come to the end of yourself – there’s no more agenda, you’re at the end of your rope, and the initial high is over – that’s when faith takes over.

After the Israelites left Babylonian captivity, they ran into resistance trying to rebuild the Lord’s temple. They figured maybe it wasn’t God’s timing, so they gave up. However, in doing so, they lost God’s favor. No matter what they did, they were unsuccessful until they put God’s agenda above theirs.

From this day forward, I will bless you. – Haggai 2:19

One of our employees who’d been reading Haggai pointed out the similarities of the Israelite’s situation and the company’s crisis. We’d been fighting so hard to survive, we forgot the reason we were in existence. From that moment forward, my husband decided we’d put God first, to the point he had Haggai 2:19 written in big letters on the wall. Everyone working for our company now knows God is the one calling the shots and to Him be the glory. The culture has changed, and things have improved slowly day by day.

Haggai 2:19 wall

If your laughter changes to pain, may you be reminded that ultimately it is God’s will we want to see done not ours, and when we rely on Him, joy comes in the morning.

For his anger lasts only a moment, but his favor lasts a lifetime! Weeping may last through the night, but joy comes in the morning. – Psalm 30:5

Big Announcement

It has finally happened! Last week I was offered a book contract to be published. 

Lorri Signing Contract

Thank you so much for being part of this journey with me. 

My first book The Duke’s Refuge will be the first in a three-book series published by Wild Heart Books. If you’re looking for fish-out-of-water, case-of-mistaken-identity, love triangle, Christian romance with a happily-ever-after. Then stay tuned. 

Greater Things are Yet to Come!

I’m not a patient person. I never prayed for patience, because I was afraid to test the running joke that God would give me things to be patient about. However, God put writing on my heart. It is a profession 

where returned emails can take six months to a year. Criticism and critiques are frequent and so is rejection. There is even a website ( created for authors to help them become better at handling rejection. Writers give their email address and are issued various rejection emails until the author can easily brush it off. 

I have finished five 300-plus page manuscripts. (The first two will never leave my computer.) Writing has become a part of me, and I can’t even imagine not creating stories. The strokes of my keyboard have become a way that I worship God, but doors still continued to slam shut on my dream. However, God was and is faithful.

If you have a dream still left unfulfilled, please take heart. Here are some things I’ve learned from the process:

  1. God is good: Like mana given to Moses and those who wandered in the desert, he gives you just enough of what you need to sustain you each day until you reach the promised land.
  2. Keep your eyes open: There were times I felt inept or wondered whether I’d heard God wrong. But, if I paused from my sulking, I realized how God coaxed me along with tidbits of encouragement: placing in contests, interest from an agent or publisher, or an encouraging email from one of you.
  3. Encouragement from your peeps is invaluable: Friends are a source of strength. You may not know it, but by liking my posts, commenting, or emailing, God was using you to keep me writing. I could never have done this without your encouragement. I am so grateful for every one of you.
  4. Stay limber because you’re going to stretch: Learning is not always an easy process. Sometimes it comes through tough critiques sometimes it comes through failure, but if you can step back and remove yourself from the emotional aspect, you will grow stronger, better, and more refined.
  5. Trust in God’s timing: We live in an on-demand society, but sometimes right now isn’t what’s best. I have learned to trust God’s timing. He knows better than I. I thought the first book I wrote was amazing. Now, I can’t even stand to read it. I’ve tried to go back and revamp it a couple of times, but it needs so much work that I’d prefer to write a new one. Maturing is a slow process, and only God knows when you’re ready.
  6. Greater things are yet to come: My work isn’t over. It is just beginning. I now have deadlines I have to hit and people to which I am accountable. But God has big plans, and I want Him to use me. Who am I to think small when God is so big?
Lorri holding contract

I have had “get published” on my yearly goals for the past four years and have always come up short, but this year I get to check it off. If you have struggled with not receiving a desire of your heart, I hope this helps to encourage you. God hasn’t forgotten. Listen and look for his little pearls of encouragement.

“I am the Lord, who opened a way through the waters, making a dry path through the sea. But forget all that— it is nothing compared to what I am going to do. For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland.” – Isaiah 43:16, 18-19NLT (emphasis mine)

Thank you for being part of this journey with me. I’m looking forward to the greater things yet to come!

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