Leaving Familiar
With graduation around the corner, I was inspired to re-read The Dream Giver by Bruce Wilkinson. he parable follows what writers call the hero’s journey. The hero, Ordinary, has a call to adventure—his dream. He initially refuses the call...
Have You Harked with the Hearlds?
The angel who appeared to the shepherds doesn’t send them off to see the baby straight away. He doesn’t draw a map or tell them to eat up for the journey. He doesn’t give the details of how Mary and Joseph landed in Bethlehem or how the newborn Savior will someday ransom the captives free and save the world. The first thing the angel does after announcing the birth of Jesus is to worship.
How to Host a Thanksgiving Uprising
I’m not afraid of heights or rollercoasters, at least, I wasn’t until I rode The Scream at Six Flags with my oldest son. The operators strapped us into seats facing outward with our backs to a tall cylinder tower, and the countdown began. I looked over at my son, smiled, and asked if he was okay, and he nodded. Two seconds later, we shot upward at a force that could have broken the sound barrier.
Ready to Rumble
I realize the title being Ready to Rumble sounds contradictory to my tagline: Love Because You Are Loved. Sometimes, however, loving people means fighting for them or for ourselves. More than ever, we need to be “strong in the Lord and in his mighty power” (Ephesians 6:10), praying for God to give us a tender heart and thick skin.
Resisting the Bandwagon
While there is strength in numbers, that power comes with great responsibility. Mob mentality can overlook the individual. The collective weighs the benefit of the group and often supersedes individual needs.
Courage is a Habit
The 1980s knew how to create a feel-good movie. The actors and actresses might have had cheesy hair and strange clothing styles and makeup, but iconic films, like Back to the Future, Goonies, and The Karate Kid, left viewers cheering and feeling on top of the world as they left the theatres. This summer, the movie, Maverick, brought back the same feeling and topped the movie charts because of it.
Name Your Champion
When entering a tourney or jousting contest, a knight would often approach a fair maiden sitting in the crowd and ask to fight in her honor. We, too, have a champion fighting for us and His record is undefeated.
Go Ahead and Flex
Flexing doesn’t come easy. The body must first break down to build muscle. As the muscle fibers repair themselves, they heal back stronger. Faith can be the same way. When life throws a challenging crisis our way, our faith can flounder, doubts creep in, or in some way we break down, but then God lets us know He’s been by our side all along.
You Matter
You matter to God. You're His child, and you're on His mind constantly. He's concerned about you. His heart breaks for whatever struggles you're going through.
Get Out of That Rut!
Ever felt stuck in a rut? The idiom comes from the early pioneer days when covered wagon wheels would get stuck in the grooves or channels of a dirt road where prior wagons had passed. The wheels would get bogged down by the deeper holes or forced along a specific track. Ruts can be an emotional state.
Designed for Humble Confidence
Oh, Lord, it’s Hard to be Humble When you’re Perfect in Every Way is a song by country singer Mac Davis that my dad used to sing to my brother and me with a smile and a teasing glint in his eye. The lyrics are a satirical look at the life of being a rock star.
Formidable Advice for Graduates
Gowns have been ironed and pressed. Parties have been planned. Parents have purchased their tickets and reserved their seats. The commencement speakers have practiced their speeches. Four years plus have been working toward this one moment
Just a Few Miracles
Try to find a fictional book that isn’t about relationships. Man-verses-nature stories, like Cast Away or The Martian, where the hero fights to survive in isolation, might come to mind. However, in both movies, the struggle was to return to their friends and loved ones and how they handled the absence of personal interaction.
Rebellion Vs. Righteous Anger
My friend’s hands shook as she showed me the pages of the book Concussion that her son had been assigned to read as a sophomore in high school. She’d highlighted the pages...
What do You Want to do for the Rest of Your Life?
My oldest son is starting to look at colleges. Stacks of brochures arrive every day in our mailbox with smiling faces of young adults on the front, all of them stating they have state-of-the-art programs. The pressure to measure up increases as grades, essays, and S.A.T. scores threaten to limit your options or categorize kids into specific levels.
Hope Amid Disaster
I woke this past Saturday at 5:30 am, and my blood turned to ice as I turned on the news. The Governor of Kentucky stood in front of a podium, and the electronic banner beneath him read, Massive tornado hits Kentucky. The screen changed to a map of a red line that ran straight up the state’s western side—right to where my parents lived.
Ice Doesn't Melt at 31 Degrees
Nothing happens to water until it reaches 32 degrees. Until that marker, ice won’t melt and water won’t freeze, but once the temperature hits that degree, things start to happen. Life can be a lot like water. We wait and we wait, and nothing seems to happen.