How the Journey Resolves in the End.
My husband had left his wallet at home. Usually, it wouldn’t have been a big deal, but we were standing in the airport
What to Do When Laughter Hurts.
Laughing actually hurts. Contracting of the core muscles causes us pain, but our body compensates by sending out endorphins to mask the ache.
How to Avoid the Bitter End
Bickering among friends can be deadly. It might not be a lion-gnaws-on-your-bones type of deadly, but it inevitably kills the friendship.
How to Avoid Coasting into Deadman's Land
If we're not on our guard, we'll eventually coast to a stop and that's when the trap is set.
How to Handle a Bully
I was petrified of a bully on my bus. She looked tough, acted tough, and sounded tough. She dressed in all black and always sat in the back of the bus.
Don't Stay in the Safety Zone
We may go back to safe ground, or take a step back to gain perspective. But we are not supposed to stay there.
When the World Wants You to Worry
Don't exhaust yourself worrying over what the world is becoming. Let tomorrow worry about itself.
For When You Don't Have the Answers, and for When You Do.
Every try to assemble a trampoline? Some things we're not meant to understand. By midafternoon springs rocketed into the air nearly missing us...
Forget Your Potential. There's Something Better...
Why is the word No so easy for toddlers to say yet adults stumble over it?
The Doctors Killed Garfield
We may not have taken a bullet, but many of us have open gashes festering like President Garfield. We wrestle with the negative thoughts and doubts that corrode our well-being and steal our joy.
Would You Rather...?
Would you rather move fifteen years into the future and receive 50 million dollars or ...
Releasing the Weight of the World
We’ve seen the sculpture of a man bent under the weight up a massive round sphere. Why are we holdng up our own weight of the world?
Medaling For Finishing Last
Madeline Tate, cross country runner for Boston College, collapsed into the dirt. Her legs were too weak to carry her across the finish line...
I Don't Know... You Know What I Mean?
I thought I had to know everything to venture out. I was wrong...
Road Block or Toll Booth?
Dwelling on our problems keeps us stuck, but if we expect adversity we can overcome and move past it.
How to Attack Panic
How often do we panic and work ourselves up into a hailstorm of “what ifs” that leave us paralyzed in fear.
Don't Be Goop!
Mixing eggs, sugar, oil, and flour doesn’t form a cake. It makes goop. It takes the transfer of heat from the oven to transform the batter into a cake.
The Key to Commanding a Room
Are you the brightest person in the room? I'm not talking about smarts. I mean magnetism...