The Gift of Touch
It’s not the first kiss scene in a romance book that sparks excitement in my chest or causes the tickling sensation in my stomach as if I’d swallowed a bunch of fuzzy caterpillars. It’s when the heroine’s fingers brush his as they both reach for the check, or when he sits down next to her and his knee rubs against her leg. My heart races when he tucks that stray lock of hair behind her ear or she feels the heat of his fingers as they encircle her waist. It’s the small touches between the hero and the heroine beforehand that warms my insides with anticipation.What is it about a mere touch that can stir such strong emotion?Touch is crucial to thriving. Studies have shown that babies born prem
aturely will thrive quicker when they have skin-to-skin contact. Research done at the University of North Carolina found hugs from one’s partner can reduce blood pressure and lower heart rates. Students who receive an encouraging pat from a teacher tend to raise their hand and participate more in class, and there’s even evidence supporting the fact that athletic teams who high-five and touch more win more games. Touch connects people and deepens relationships.Jesus knew the impact of a loving touch. It’s most evident when Jesus touched the leper.Back in Jesus’ day, lepers had to go around crying out, “Unclean” so that people could move out of the way. Because of his horrible flesh eating disease, the leper Jesus touched would have lived in complete isolation from the rest of society, never again experiencing what it was like to have actual human contact. That is until Jesus touched him. Jesus could have healed him from afar. He’d done it for the official’s son and for the Centurion who asked for healing for his slave. But, in this instance, Jesus extended his hand and placed it on the leper. He touched the untouchable. Jesus knew what it would mean to the leper to feel his touch, the significance of it, and the amazing love it displayed.Is there someone you know who needs the gift of touch, today?