Go Ahead and Flex
Flexing doesn’t come easy. The body must first break down to build muscle. As the muscle fibers repair themselves, they heal back stronger. Faith can be the same way. When life throws a challenging crisis our way, our faith can flounder, doubts creep in, or in some way we break down, but then God lets us know He’s been by our side all along.
This is a Test
The speedometer read 40 miles per hour. I sat white-knuckled behind the wheel, flying through the empty school parking lot, my heart pumping faster than a techno dance beat.
In the Mirror Moment
Sometimes I wonder if fiction mirrors life or if life mirrors fiction. Currently, I’m in the process of plotting book number five...
It Never Hurts to Ask
Have you questioned whether you have the skills to make the team, good enough grades to get into college, or ever poured your life into a project only for your boss to give you another even more challenging one? My hand is raised.
How the Journey Resolves in the End.
My husband had left his wallet at home. Usually, it wouldn’t have been a big deal, but we were standing in the airport
For When You Don't Have the Answers, and for When You Do.
Every try to assemble a trampoline? Some things we're not meant to understand. By midafternoon springs rocketed into the air nearly missing us...