Superman Vs. Jesus

Superman was gone. The world was lost without its hero. Crime increased, citizens of the world fumbled around going through their daily routines in a daze, lost, without hope.DC Justice League movie posterAll I could think was: Superman is not the answer.With three boys, I watch a lot of superhero movies. I’ve always been an action-flick-kind-of-gal, so I enjoy it as much as they do, but as we watched the Justice League, I couldn’t help but think how the band of superheroes may be able to do justice, but the world needs something more. They are desperate for a savior. Superman is supposed to fill this void — give them hope and life – but he doesn’t quite fit the bill.I know it’s a fictional world, but Superman is like putting a Band-Aid on a knife wound. Superman’s greatest ability is merely strength (and laser vision, oh, and don't forget mind reading. He gets a couple more points for those). But, he can’t truly save people, not from themselves, not from their sins, and not from death (although he may get another point for temporarily postponing it).They need a savior. We all do.At Easter, we get to remember what a true superhuman superhero can do. For fun, and because I like lists, I figured I’d do a compare and contrast:

Saves the day Saves the world
Lives among humans Became human
Helps people Helped the blind see, the lame walk, the deaf hear, the sick heal, and the dead rise again.
Never lied Never sinned
Takes hard hits from the bad guys Was brutally tortured, mocked, and murdered
Puts himself in harm’s way Willingly sacrificed his life
Fights for truth, justice, and the American way  Fights to save us from our sins which lead to death
Saves lives temporarily from death Saves our souls for all eternity
Is superhuman Is the one and only true God

Jesus was born in a lowly manger part human, part God with a massive weight on his shoulders— to save the world from its sin. The disgusting, ugly sin that kept us apart from our Holy Creator. Religious leaders, disturbed by Jesus’s popularity with the people, did their best to trip him up and catch him sinning. They attacked him with words, and when that didn’t work, they had him arrested, beaten and hung on a cross. Jesus knew exactly the agonizing death he would undergo, but he willingly accepted it because it was the only way he could take our past sins, our present sins, and our future sins upon himself and have them die with him on the cross so that we can be made holy. In the most amazing comeback story ever written, Jesus stole the keys of death from Satan and rose on the third day from the grave. He ascended into heaven and sits at the right-hand of the Father so that all who believe in him shall share in eternal life.Our lives may seem like we need a superhero, but what we really need is a savior. And, the best part is, he’s already come. All you have to do is pray and ask him into your heart. He will take it from there.Don't miss a post! Sign up for my e-newsletter by clicking here: Lorri's NewsletterJesus and Superheroes. Jesus says, "And that's how I saved the world." 


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