Leave it to Beavers
You may be thinking I have some sort of fascination with animals that start with the letter B. I’ve talked about buffalos, bears, and now beavers. If I do a blog on badgers, I will admit I have a problem. Actually, a friend of mine, Michelle, was asking me about my writing. When I told her I was getting a little discouraged, she smiled and announced that I need to be a beaver.What?It turns out beavers secrete an oil which acts as an insulator and waterproofing agent. Not only does water roll off their back, but they are shielded from the elements. They also have a flexible toe to pull out any burrs and parasites that worm their way in through the protective layer of fur.
In addition, their ears have valves which close to prevent water from getting in when they are submerged. Their eyes have a nictitating membrane which helps them to see clearly underwater. Beavers pair for life and have strong social bonds, surviving together as a group. And, don’t forget their wide, flat tails which act as a rudder for steering.So, be a beaver. When negative thoughts worm their way in, pluck them out before they take hold. Let rejection roll off you like water off a beaver’s back. Plug your ears to doubt and criticism and hone in on the sound of God's voice. See clearly by keeping focused on the one who created and planned your future. Use God’s word as a rudder to steer you in the right direction. And, if or when you do get down, get around people who will pull you out of the pit of discouragement and help you to stay the course.Joshua 1:9 commands us, “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” God has given us the abilities we need to do His will. We are stronger than we realize when we lean on Him.Impressed by the beaver yet? Well, here’s another fact. Beavers are one of the few
species that change their environment to suit them. By building dams, they flood the surrounding area to modify the land for their purposes instead of adapting to suit the location.And so should we. We are to live in the world but not be of the world. When we feel like caving to societal pressure, being lured down an easy path, or conforming to the norm, remember God made us to stand out. We were created to make a difference for His kingdom. We are to be the salt and light to a dark world. We are to shine as a city on a hill that cannot be hidden (Matthew 5:13-16).So go ahead and start building a dam. Someday you’ll wake up to waterfront property.Don't miss a post! Sign up for my weekly blog by clicking here: Lorri's Blog