Finding the Strength to Get Unstuck
Overwhelming situations take a toll on your body and mind. Your thoughts scatter like tiny crabs into the sand. Your stomach sinks like a rock in water and tows your heart down with it. You can’t focus or function. You become frozen.Why do we freeze-up when overwhelmed? University of Bristol neurologists have discovered a neural pathway believed to be responsible for the freeze response. It stems from the part of the brain that activates our fight or flight response, and in some people it can be more active than others. Although freezing-up is a universal reaction, psychologists believe we each have the cognitive capacity to supersede it. For example, taking deep breaths can relax the vagus nerve which in turn loosens fears tight grip and allows us to un-freeze.90,000 words. That’s the average length of a single title novel. I remember hearing that daunting figure and feeling overwhelmed. How in the world would I be able to write that many words? How would I find the time? Now that I’ve actually typed over 90,000 words more than five times over, it may still feel unnerving, but it’s not overwhelming. I’ve learned not to think about the 300+ pages when I start. If I did, I would never begin. Instead, I focus on just writing one scene. My goal is to open my computer and type each day. Some days I’ll write over several chapters. Other days I barely finish a page. But, over time I have a complete manuscript. It’s like the saying, “How do you eat an elephant? – One bite at a time.”The devil loves to see us freeze up. He overwhelms us with problems and stress to keep us stuck so we can’t fulfill our purpose. However, we can flex some spiritual muscle to supersede his tactics.Take one step at a time. God encourages us to trust in Him and keep moving forward. Psalm 119:105 states, “Your word is a lamp for my feet and a light on my
path.” In the dark, the light of a lamp doesn’t carry that far up the path. Sections in the distance will still be dark, but God gives us enough light to see so that our feet don’t stumble.stMove from strength to strength. Psalm 84:7 says, “They go from strength to strength, till each appears before God in Zion.” Rehearse your victories, small ones, and big ones. Remembering how God has given you strength in the past is like a spiritual Red Bull.Have others pull you along. In Exodus 17:12, Abraham had to keep his hands raised for the Israelites to win the battle. When his arms grew heavy, Aaron and Hur helped hold his hands. Don’t be afraid to ask for help or for prayer. God has put people into your life for a reason. Utilize their strength to help see you through.If you think you need to have all the strength before you begin, you’ll be overwhelmed and never start. But, thank God, you don’t. God will give you just what you need at just the right time to sustain you.Don't miss a post! Sign up for my newsletter by clicking here: Lorri's Newsletter