Everything I Need to Know I Learned in Art Class

School is almost back in session if it isn’t already. Moms and dads are singing, “It’s Paint and brushes in clear cupsthe most wonderful time of the year,” while children are lamenting on how summer passed by too quickly. Homework, tests, and pop quizzes loom in their future with the only relief being recess, gym, and art class.My most memorable moment back when I taught art was two sweet little girls who got upset with each other. I knew something was off when they positioned their sketchbooks to block the other’s view. We were working on a project using chalk pastels. I turned to help another student, and a noisy ruckus erupted. I glanced up to find both girls rubbing chalk in each Mary Poppins and Bertother’s faces. As I shouted their names, two blackened faces, looking like chimney sweeps in a Mary Poppins musical, peered at me with wide eyes. I couldn’t keep a straight face long enough to explain how they’d violated the art class rules, so I had to send both girls to the Vice Principal’s office. They later apologized. I hugged them both and told them I forgave them, but the rest of the day Dick Van Dyke’s voice sang in my head, “…Over the rooftops. Step in time…”  The rules were created to keep some sort of civility amongst the chaos of a class where kids are allowed to talk and make messes. I realized they also hold life lessons and figured I’d share:Rule #1Beauty is in the eye of the beholder: Every painting has value, especially to its creator. There is art out there that may look like a two-year-old finger painted, yet it may sell for millions of dollars. Ephesians 2:10 reminds us that we are all God’s unique creations. He created us in his image and valued us enough to sacrifice his own son. If you believe less of yourself, then you are devaluing Jesus’s precious blood that He spilled for you. Remember, you are unique, beautiful, and worth dying for.Rule #2. Listen to the instructions before you begin: Regularly, we need to check in with God. Ask Him to direct your steps. It’s better to seek His guidance first than to keep going around that mountain again and again. Ephesians 3:12 says that through faith we may approach God with freedom and confidence.Rule #3. Talking is allowed but keep it civil: God longs for an intimate relationship with you. Do not be afraid to ask God questions. David questioned God, so did Moses, Gideon, and a doubting Thomas. God doesn’t mind your inquiries, but be careful of your motive. If you’re asking out of a prideful heart and believe you know better than God, or if you’re stalling to keep doing something you know God wouldn’t condone, then you might want to reconsider.Rule #4. Always protect your white: It is easy to contaminate your white paint if your brush isn’t clean. Protect your innocence. A friend of mine reminds his sons to be careful what goes in their eyes and ears and what comes out of their mouths. The best defense from sin is a good offense.Rule #5. Clean up your mess: Mess happens. We are all human. When we mess up, it’s best to ask for forgiveness and offer it to others. Marianne Williamson author of Tears to Triumph said, “Unforgiveness is the poison you drink and wait for the other person to die.” Don’t let unforgiveness poison you from the inside. Give it to God so you may live in freedom. Matthew 6:14 says, “If you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.Rule # 6.  There are no mistakes only creative fixes: God doesn’t make mistakes. He has given you a purpose and specific giftings. We may stumble or go off track, but Philippians 1:6 reminds us we can be confident that the good work God has begun in us will be perfected. Heaven is cheering us on, so get rid of doubt and run with confidence and perseverance the race marked out specifically for you (Hebrews 12:1).Who knew you could learn so much from art class? If you could only have one takeaway, please remember, you are a masterpiece in the making!Don't miss a post! Sign up for my weekly blog by clicking here: Lorri's blog


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