Are You Ready?
I’m writing this as New England is buried under two to three feet of snow. It’s our third major Northeaster storm in under ten days. Powerlines have been downed, and impressive trees lay toppled on their sides making roads impassable and sending the electric company into a frenzy to restore power. On Facebook and Instagram, the most common post I saw was, No power. How I’m I going to get my morning coffee? After a day of no electricity, it switched to, In need of a hot shower.
We wizened up after a storm about five years back. We’d been without power for four days and decided to purchase a generator before it happened again. Fast forward five years, this time when the lights went out, we didn’t have to search for blankets and candles, or sleep huddled in front of the fire (all five of us), or make coffee and tea on the grill. I praised my husband for having the foresight to plan ahead. At the time we bought the generator, it was an expensive investment, one in which we didn’t know we would ever use. Until we did. For five years it sat, and we wondered if it was worth it, but because we prepared, we were able to offer the warmth of our home to friends and neighbors.Be ready.It’s easy to procrastinate, and unfortunately, it’s commonly done. I’ve never seen an alarm clock come without a snooze button. What it really should be called a procrastination button. Just ten more minutes. I hit mine several times this morning. Waking up a little late may not be a big thing, but what else are we pushing off until later?Jesus tells us in Matthew 24:44, “You also must be ready all the time, for the Son of Man will come when least expected.” Then in Matthew 25:1-13, He tells a parable about ten bridesmaids, five wise and five foolish, who were waiting for the groom to arrive. However, the five foolish didn’t bring any oil for their lamps. When the groom became delayed, they all fell asleep and only awoke when the groom's arrival was being announced. The five foolish asked the wise to loan some of their oil, but there wasn’t enough. While the five foolish were out at the market buying more oil, the groom came, the festivities began, and the five foolish bridesmaid were left out.We don’t want to wake up and realize we've been left out of the party. What are we putting off? Getting right with God? Asking for forgiveness? Forgiving someone who’s wronged us? Talking to a friend or family member about God? Taking a mission trip? Adopting a child? Only you and God know what it is you’ve been putting off. Is it time to stop procrastinating?Watch with anticipation.When the news reported a storm was on the way, all my boys heard was “potential snow day.” After that, they were glued to the weather forecast and the little lines that scroll on the bottom of the screen for school closings. Eager anticipation. It's how a child waits for a snow day. It’s how a bride waits for her groom. When Jesus returns, a new earth will be ushered in. There will be no more pain, no more death, no more sorrow. There’s a reason why Jesus used in the parable the example of marriage festivities. Jesus is coming for his bride, and then we are going to party! We’ll celebrate in such a way that we’ll put the phrase “partying like it’s 1999” to shame. Don’t left out or off running to purchase oil at the market. Shake out your best outfit, dust off your dancing shoes, and be prepared to rejoice that our King has come.Don't miss a post! Sign up for my e-newsletter by clicking here: Lorri's Newsletter