Additional Information
The Duke’s Refuge Resources
Thank you for reading The Duke’s Refuge. Below a bibliography list of books I used to research the beautiful and rich history of the Leeward Islands:
Dyde, Brian, St. Kitts Cradle of the Caribbean, London: Macmillian Education LTD, 1989.
Hubbard, Vincent K., A History of St. Kitts, Oxford: Macmillian Education, 2002.
Hubbard, Vincent K., Swords, Ships, and Sugar, Corvallis: Premiere Editions International, 1996.
O’Shaughnessy, Andrew Jackson, An Empire Divided, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2000.
Parker, Matthew, The Sugar Barons, New York: Bloomsbury, 2011.
If you are interested in more information as to why pink was not a feminine color during the Regency Era:
Phelps, Stan and David Rendall, Pink Goldfish, 9 INCH Marking, USA, 2018.
Wright, Jennifer, How Pink Became a Color for Girls, Racked, Mar 20, 2015,
Wolchover, Nataline, Why is Pink for Girls and Blue for Boys?, Live Science, Aug. 1, 2012,